Looking to trade houseplants that don't bring you joy anymore? Bring in your healthy plants or rooted cuttings for the library's semi-annual plant swap.
Participants may bring up to three potted plants or rooted cuttings for the swap. Each cutting or plant brought in will be awarded a ticket for trading. There will be no repotting at the event. All plants should be in containers they can go home in. Rooted cuttings need to be in a sealed plastic baggie with a damp paper towel. Please label plants and cuttings with the type of plant being swapped. We ask that all plants and cuttings be healthy and pest free as a courtesy to other plant lovers.
Plant and rooted cutting check-in is 1-1:30 pm. The swap begins after all plants have been checked in. After everyone with tickets has made their choices, leftover plants will be available to those without tickets. Questions about the swap may be emailed to programming@crlibrary.org.
EVENT TYPE: | Crafts and Hobbies |
TAGS: | Plants | Plant Swap | Gardening |
The Downtown Library is located at 450 5th Avenue SE, in the heart of Downtown Cedar Rapids. It is a 94,000 square foot building with a variety of civic spaces and a vibrant collection of library materials. Special features of this location are the Whipple Auditorium, a 200 seat auditorium overlooking Greene Square; and the LivingLearning Roof, a green roof with public seating and space to hold special events. Roasters Café is located in the Downtown Library, providing a full service coffee shop for visitors, as well as catering for meetings and special events.